Frontonia vernalis: association of the green zoochloralla-bearing ciliates with the the colorless Frontonia leucas (center of the image) and the bdelloid rotifer Rotaria rotatoria in the same location / habitat (5) |
Frontonia vernalis: oral apparatus. |
Frontonia vernalis: Two more images of the same section of the cortex in different focal planes. The postoral suture runs quasi as a diagonal through the image. The lens-shaped structures are possibly mitochondria. (4) |
Frontonia vernalis: oral apparataus of compressed specimen, lateral view. (4) |
Frontonia vernalis: specimen from . (4) |
Schlitzmundtierchen (Frontonia leucas): Exemplar mit Zoochlorellen |
Frontonia leucas: Oralapparat |
Frontonia leucas: Makronukleus und Trichocysten |
Location (5): Nature reserve NSG Heiliges Meer, NRW, Germany, "Fischteich" (location 17) (1); |
Habitat(5): anoxic detritus, together with rhodobacteria, metopid ciliates and Mytilina trigona (1) |
Date (5): coll.: 13.11.2021; img.: 21.11.2021 (1); 24.11.20121 (2) |
Location (4): Kemnader See near Oveney, Bochum, NRW, Germany, billabong; |
Habitat(4): border between plankton/psammon |
Date (4): 11.02.2020 |
Location (5): Simmelried, Bodensee |
Habitat: Sphagnum |
Datum: 01.11.2009 / 16.11.2009 |